Type alias MergeGenericProjection<T1, T2>

MergeGenericProjection<T1, T2>: T1 extends true ? T1 : T2 extends true ? T2 : T1 extends false ? T2 : T2 extends false ? T1 : Expand<{ [ K in keyof T1 | keyof T2]: T1 extends Record<K, GenericProjection> ? T2 extends Record<K, GenericProjection> ? MergeGenericProjection<T1[K], T2[K]> : T1[K] : T2 extends Record<K, GenericProjection> ? T2[K] : never }>

Given two GenericProjection with an explicit type (eg. const p1: {a: true} = ...) defined at compilation time, this merge the two giving an explicit type at compilation time.

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