Node.js ORM written in TypeScript for type lovers.

View the Project on GitHub twinlogix/typetta


Typetta supports the reading of aggregated and/or grouped data through a specific API named aggregate.

Aggregate fields

In order to define aggregate fields, whose value is the result of applying an operator on all grouped records, the aggregate API accepts a specific aggregations parameter. Using this parameter, the user can specify a map whose keys are the names of the new aggregate fields that will be returned in the result and whose values are the definitions of how these fields are to be calculated.

Let’s assume, for example, that you want to read the total number of users and their average age:

const res = await dao.user.aggregate(
    aggregations: {
      userCount: { field: 'id', operation: 'count' },
      averageAge: { field: 'age', operation: 'avg' }

The result of this operation will be of the following type:

  userCount: 123,
  averageAge: 24.9

Note that, in the example, userCount and averageAge are two user-defined keys whose calculation logic depends on the operation parameter. Aggregations can only concern numeric fields and their operations can take the following values:


Unlike all other operators, which must necessarily be specified on aggregations of a specific field, the count operator can be applied globally to calculate the total number of results.

Here is an example of querying the total number of users:

const res = await dao.user.aggregate(
    aggregations: {
      userCount: { operation: 'count' }

The result will be:

  userCount: 123


The aggregate API allows the user to group the records for the value of one or more fields and to calculate the aggregations on each of the groups found. To do this, the API provides the by parameter through which it is possible to specify a sort of projection of the fields that must form the key of the various groups.

The following is an example of an aggregate in which users are grouped by gender and for each group the average age is calculated:

const res = await dao.user.aggregate(
    by: {
      gender: true
    aggregations: {
      averageAge: { field: 'age', operation: 'avg' }

As seen above, groupings are optional, and if no value is set to the by parameter, the API performs a single grouping containing all records.

Filters and sorts

The aggregate API can optionally receive a filter parameter exactly like all other read APIs. This filter limits the application of aggregation and grouping logics to a subset of the records determined by the conditions defined.

In addition to this possibility, as typically happens on the main SQL databases, Typetta also provides the possibility to filter and sort for the fields resulting from grouping or aggregation. This second processing step can be defined by a second aggregate API parameter.

Below is an example of a query of all users, grouped by city of residence, whose average age is greater than or equal to 18 years, sorted by average age:

const res = await dao.user.aggregate(
    by: {
      '': true
    aggregations: {
      averageAge: { field: 'age', operation: 'avg' }
  }, {
    having: { averageAge: { gte: 18 } },
    sorts: [{ averageAge: 'asc' }]