Node.js ORM written in TypeScript for type lovers.

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Read and Write

The fundamental component for performing read or write operations on model entities is DAO. There is a DAO for each entity and its reference can be obtained simply from the EntityManager, as described in the entity manager section of the guide.

Each DAO, regardless of its data source, whether SQL or MongoDB, offers the main features of reading and manipulating entities and their relationships.

Below is a list of these operations:

Sample application diagram

In the following sections, the main operations that each DAO makes available to read and manipulate the data related to one or more model entities will be shown. All the examples that will be shown will refer to the following application model:

type User @entity @mongodb {
  id: ID! @id
  firstName: String
  lastName: String
  address: Address
  posts: [Post!]! @foreignRef(refFrom: "userId")

type Post @entity @mongodb {
  id: ID! @id
  userId: ID!
  user: User! @innerRef
  content: String!

type Address {
  street: String
  city: String
  district: String
  zipcode: String
  country: String

Insert One

The insertOne API allows you to insert a record. The API requests all required fields of the affected entity except for the ID if it is self-generated.

Here is an example of creating a user:

const user = await entityManager.user.insertOne({
  record: {
    firstName: "Mattia",
    lastName: "Minotti",
    address: {
      street: "Via Piave 48",
      city: "Milan",
      country: "Italy"

Insert All

The insertAll API allows you to insert many records. The API requests all required fields of the affected entities except for the ID if it is self-generated.

Here is an example of creating a user:

const users = await entityManager.user.insertAll({
  records: [
      firstName: "Mattia",
      lastName: "Minotti",
      address: {
        street: "Via Piave 48",
        city: "Milan",
        country: "Italy"
      firstName: "Edoardo",
      lastName: "Barbieri",
      address: {
        street: "Via Piave 49",
        city: "Milan",
        country: "Italy"

The returned objects represents an array of User and, in the case of a self-generated ID, also contains the id for each entity created by the system or database, depending on the option chosen.

Find One

The findOne API allows you to search for a record by filtering one or more of its fields.

Below is an example of a user search by filtering by name:

const user = await entityManager.user.findOne({
  filter: {
    firstName: "Mattia",
    lastName: "Minotti"

If the query identifies more than one record, only the first record is returned with the specified sort order, or the standard sort order of the database.

Find All

The findAll API allows you to search for all records by filtering one or more of their fields.

Below is an example of user search filtering by city:

const users = await entityManager.user.findAll({
  filter: {
    "": "Milan"
  sorts: [
      lastName: SortDirection.DESC

The return of this query is an array of users living in Milan, sorted by last name in alphabetical order.

Find Page

The findPage API allows you to search all records, filtering by one or more of their fields and returns a page of results and their total number.

This API differs from the previous findAll not because of the ability to request a results page, which is also possible with the findAll, but because of the return value that contains the list of records on the page and the total count of records that answer the query sent.

The skip parameter identifies how many records to skip, so if you want to start from the first one it must be set to 0 or omitted; the limit parameter identifies the size of the page, that is, the maximum number of records returned.

Below is an example of a search for a page of users, filtering by city:

const users = await entityManager.user.findAll({
  skip: 0,
  limit: 10,
  filter: {
    "": "Milan"
  sorts: [
      lastName: SortDirection.DESC

The return of this query is the following object:

  totalCount: 1,
  records: [
        id: "1fc70958-b791-4855-bbb3-d7b02b22b39e",
        firstName: "Mattia",
        lastName: "Minotti",
        address: {
          street: "Via Piave 48",
          city: "Milan",
          country: "Italy"

Find All Iterable

The findAllIterable API allows you to search for all records by filtering one or more of their fields. The only difference with the findAll is that the records are returned with a lazy async iterable.

Below is an example of user search filtering by city:

const users = entityManager.user.findAllIterable({
  filter: {
    "": "Milan"
  sorts: [
      lastName: SortDirection.DESC
for await(const user of users) {
  break //can break anytime

The return of this query is an array of users living in Milan, sorted by last name in alphabetical order.

Resolve Relations

The resolveRelations API allows you to resolve some of the relations of a given input. It accepts partial entity and resolves the relations based on the given projection. It’s mainly useful when, after an insert, you want to return an entity within a GraphQL resolver.

Following an example of relations resolution:

const user = await entityManager.user.insertOne({
  record: {
    firstName: "Mattia",
    lastName: "Minotti"

  record: {
    content: "Hello"

const result = await entityManager.user.resolveRelations({
  input: user,
  projection: { firstName: true, posts: { content: true } }

// result.posts are all the posts of the user

Update One

The updateOne API allows you to update one or more fields of a record identified by a specific filter. This API updates a maximum of one record, the first one found by the filter if more than one matches the search criteria.

Here is an example of updating a user’s address:

await entityManager.user.updateOne({
  filter: {
    id: "1fc70958-b791-4855-bbb3-d7b02b22b39e",
  changes: {
    address: {
      street: "Via Carducci 12",
      city: "Rome",
      country: "Italy"

Note that for composite entities such as the user and address, the API allows both updating the entire embedded entity and only one of its fields. For example, if you want to change only the street field of a user leaving the rest of the address unchanged, you can execute the following code:

await entityManager.user.updateOne({
  filter: {
    id: "1fc70958-b791-4855-bbb3-d7b02b22b39e",
  changes: {
    "address.street": "Via G. Bovio 50"

Update All

The updateAllAPI allows you to update one or more fields of a set of records identified by a specific filter. The behaviour is very similar to the previous updateOne API but extended to all records that satisfy the filter set as a parameter.

Below is an example of updating all users whose name is mattia, changing the name to Mattia with a capital letter:

await entityManager.user.updateAll({
  filter: {
    firstName: "mattia",
  changes: {
    firstName: "Mattia",

Note that you can update all the records present by explicitly setting a blank filter, as in the following example where you update the names of all users:

await entityManager.user.updateAll({
  filter: {},
  changes: {
    firstName: "Mattia",

Replace One

The replaceOne API allows you to replace a record identified by a specific filter with a completely new one. As it has been replaced, the old record is completely lost and the replacement may differ completely from the previous one.

Here is an example of replacing a user:

await entityManager.user.replaceOne({
  filter: {
    id: "1fc70958-b791-4855-bbb3-d7b02b22b39e",
  replace: {
    firstName: "Edoardo",
    lastName: "Barbieri",
    address: {
      street: "Via San Giorgio 12",
      city: "Cesena",
      country: "Italy"

Delete One

The deleteOne API allows you to delete an identified record using a specific filter. This API updates a maximum of one record, the first one found by the filter if more than one matches the search criteria.

Here is an example of deleting a user:

await entityManager.user.deleteOne({
  filter: {
    id: "1fc70958-b791-4855-bbb3-d7b02b22b39e",

Delete All

The deleteAll API allows you to delete a set of records identified by a specific filter. The behaviour is very similar to the previous deleteOne API but extended to all records that satisfy the filter set as a parameter.

Here is an example of deleting all users named Mattia:

await entityManager.user.deleteAll({
  filter: {
    firstName: "Mattia",

Note that you can delete all the records present by explicitly setting a blank filter, as in the following example where you update the names of all users:

await entityManager.user.deleteAll({
  filter: {},